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Mediation Scheduling

1. Calendaring

If all sides have agreed to use Cynthia as a mediator and they wish to schedule a date, please contact Robert (Cynthia’s Practice Manager) at 510.452.5298 or

Please let Robert know the following information:

  • your preferred mediation dates and/or time frame;
  • the names of each party, and the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for each counsel;
  • your amenability to mediate via the Zoom platform; and
  • how the mediator fee will be split.

We routinely provide open dates in response to multiple inquires, and confirm dates on a first-come, first-served basis.  To minimize the inherent inconvenience this can create, upon request we will place a short courtesy hold on a date while calendars are checked.

Please note:

2. Confirmation

If all parties have agreed to an open date, Robert will place it on the calendar and, assuming no conflicts of interest, will deem it CONFIRMED.  Robert will then send a formal e-confirmation to all counsel:

  • confirming the mediation date and location (but typically not the start time, which will be set at the counsel-only Pre-Session Conference Call to discuss procedural matters only—see below);
  • proposing a date/time for the Pre-Session Conference Call; and
  • requesting an e-copy of the complaint, or, if no complaint has been drafted or filed, a sentence or two broadly describing the nature of the claims.

By separate e-mail, Robert also will send the appropriate fee invoice to each attorney. Please see details under Mediation Fees page.

3. Pre-Session Conference Call

In each case, Cynthia holds a 20-30 minute Pre-Session Conference Call with counsel approximately two to three weeks before the mediation. In this call, Cynthia will not discuss the merits of the case, but will cover case status, mediation procedure and logistics (including setting a start time and briefing submission date.)

Robert will work with the parties by e-mail to find an open date/time for the Pre-Session Conference Call.  Once a date/time for the call has been selected, he will send an e-confirmation of the call with the call-in phone number and access code.